About IntelliGrow

Our Story & Purpose

IntelliGrow was born out of a profound understanding of the challenges faced by Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) in nurturing and converting high-quality prospects. With over 20 years of experience in MSP sales, both directly and managing teams, our founder experienced firsthand the frustration of staying relevant to prospects in complex and lengthy sales cycles. Given that MSP agreements last for an average of 3.5 years, maintaining engagement with potential clients until they are ready to switch providers is crucial.

As a sales leader, our founder sought to project quality and thought leadership to these prospects, but often found the marketing team’s efforts lacking. The transactional materials produced missed the mark, doing more harm than good by failing to build meaningful connections. Driven by the need for a better solution, IntelliGrow was established to fill this gap.

The need to win new business is a common challenge for MSPs who engage in complex, high value and lengthy sales cycles. This pressure can often lead to what we term “desperate sales” – selling from a point of weakness rather than strength. In such situations, MSPs frequently end up selling to prospects who are not adequately engaged and therefore do not fully understand the MSP’s unique value – making cost the primary differentiator.

IntelliGrow exists to change the above dynamics through expert-driven, high-value content that builds trust and positions our clients as market and thought leaders with their prospects. At IntelliGrow, we are dedicated to transforming the way MSPs engage with their prospects, ensuring sustained growth and success in a mature and very competitve market.

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